Marshmallow was invented in the United States in the 1900s and spread through the World Exposition. It has become a popular dessert all over the world. Modern cotton candy was developed around the 1900s. At that time, it was a very expensive food that was not available to the working people at the bottom.

The mechanized process of making marshmallows was invented by American dentist William Morris and confectioner John Wharton in 1897 based on the principle of rotating sugar, and was first unveiled to the public at the 1904 St. Louis World Expo, named “Fairy Silk” “(Fairy floss).

The production process of marshmallows was demonstrated during the World Expo in 1900. At that time, the price of this novel dessert was 251 cents per hand, but it was still very popular at the fair. A total of 68,655 pieces were sold, half of which was used for the cost. To pay the rent for the Expo.

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Vivamus commodo turpis vitae ligula luctus malesuada. Quisque non turpis ac felis molestie bibendum nec eget sem. Mauris feugiat pretium est, at iaculis est. Integer nec eros velit. Aenean rutrum, sapien non consectetur gravida, lectus velit tristique ligula, vel sagittis est nulla et velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed porttitor tincidunt urna, vel placerat dui commodo a. Integer placerat arcu et neque sollicitudin vestibulum. Etiam ullamcorper sodales lectus, non condimentum nisi vehicula ut. Fusce pretium nisi purus, vitae blandit velit accumsan non. In ultricies rhoncus nunc, et lobortis erat dapibus in. Ut nec diam non nulla bibendum ornare. Maecenas porta pharetra consequat. Proin pulvinar viverra dictum.

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  • Donec scelerisque ante tempus nisi congue porttitor.
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Quisque non tempus ante. Pellentesque eget lectus varius, molestie felis et, rhoncus nisl. Nullam eget mauris quis sem laoreet semper et non tellus. Sed tempus urna sed blandit cursus. Phasellus molestie condimentum egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In rutrum posuere orci, at dignissim lacus sagittis ut.